A Student of Human Nature
On our Friday national call, Barry Clarkson discussed how to communicate as a leader. He touched on the need to become a student of human nature. According to Barry, you must realize 10 common traits:
1. People are quick to jump to conclusions.
2. People are skeptical--they suffer from the "shaft" syndrome.
3. People procrastinate--the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
4. Most people dream of having great wealth.
5. People are curious.
6. People don't think they can sell.
7. People don't like insurance salesmen--they rank either right before or right after car salesmen.
8. Most people would love to be their own boss.
9. Most people would love to have their own business, BUT __fill-in-the-blank__.
10. Most people doubt that they ever could or would.
If you realize these commonalities in your prospective recruits you can be a more effective communicator. Couple this knowledge with honesty and drop the propensity to exaggerate the opportunity, i.e. paint a realistic picture for the recruit, and you will have greater success in this arena.
The right people understand that a price will have to be paid while the wrong people are looking for the "get rich quick" solution. The right people (winners) focus on their responsibilities. The wrong people (losers) focus on their "rights."
Become a student of human nature and prosper.
Your victory awaits!
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