The Curious Life of Ro Eugene

Ro "drove around with a license plate that read:  LUVUALL."

She believed "we're all spiritual beings having human experiences, that we're on earth to learn how to love, to take life spiritually, not personally." 

"She never stopped teaching."

"She was like the grand finale of fireworks."

"She was a spirtual superhero.  She walked through walls."

"Ro only grew younger as she aged."

Her Ro-isms included:

"Hard is okay.  You can do hard."

"It's not impossible.  It's just life."

"If it was supposed to be different, it would be."

"Everything is okay.  In this second, everything is perfect."

For Ro, "It was never, 'You will be okay.' It was always, 'You are okay."

...It was.  And it is...

Excerpts from Be the Miracle:  50 Lessons for Making the Impossible Possible by Regina Brett
