The Meaning of Life...

Hey Laura,
        Thanks for chatting the other day. As some amazing revelations have come my way I clearly 'see' the reason each of us were created, to indeed passionately serve others!  It has been an amazing personal journey as I can testify to, how, where ever we are, who ever our circle of contacts are, if we strive to put those people first before our selves, and we constantly do what ever our task  is with fervor and zeal as if serving the Lord, before long we indeed 'discover' that God equips, enables and anoints our every action. We truly do become His Image! So many people are searching for meaning in their lives, but yet they fail to connect with that meaning and purpose. It is really so simple, when we give, and I mean completely, in every situation and with all our resources, we soon discover that those resources grow in unimaginable ways. It starts with love, if we love our fellow man, God soon floods our lives with His limitless abundance. Trust me there are NO limits to the ways God will bless you. I share  in simple terms to others what I am experiencing, It's like I carry this huge bag full of 'gifts' and I continually reach in and give them away and I never replenish the bag, yet it ALWAYS remains full. I live by this following creed:
                                                                              Do all the good you can
                                                                              By all the means you can
                                                                              In all the ways you can
                                                                              In all the places you can
                                                                              At all the times you can
                                                                              To all the people you can
                                                                              As long as you ever can       

Blessings to you and those you serve...
