
OK, so I mentioned that word... failure. It's not truly failure unless you learn something from it. Or is it? Failure is failure! Embrace it, don't be afraid of it! Don't let it hold you back.

I love the scene from the animated film, and forgive me because at this moment I can't remember the title but it will come to me--Scout's honor!--where the little boy is asked to repair the peanut butter and jelly squirting machine. And he works on it and he thinks it's fixed. Then he tries to use it and it makes a big mess... I mean peanut butter and jelly on everyone. And he braces himself... for the yells, the screams, the "What were you thinking kid?!?" And the first thing his friends/family say?

That was... AMAZING! That was WONDERFUL! That was the most SPECTACULAR failure we have ever seen! And he's shocked and he's excited. You see, he is an inventor and he has now been given the lesson of a lifetime! The GIFT of a lifetime! It will shape his very existence! It's OK to fail... because through failure we learn our greatest lessons. (I remembered the title!! Told you I would! Meet the Robinsons by Disney.)

When was the last time someone told you that you failed in a spectacular way (and actually meant it as a compliment)?

Just think about it! If you succeeded at everything you did the first go around what would you learn? What lessons would you reap? You WILL learn more by your failures. You will be given a gift as well... time to hone your craft, time to develop yourself. Because who knows? If you have the initial success you may not be ready to handle what's about to come your way. It's all a matter of perspective.

Failure... get some!
