The Purpose of Life
"The greatest thing in the world is a human life. The greatest work in the world is the helpful touch upon that life."
- Antoinette Abernethy Lamoreaux
"The importance of helping others was frequently cited as the means to overcome one's problems and difficulties. From [Edgar] Cayce's perspective, there was always someone to whom an individual could be of service. In fact, being of service to that one individual was how a soul could perhaps best serve its Creator. After all, that was an essential purpose of one's life."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
"Perhaps one difficulty we face in our understanding is that we too often focus on 'doing' rather than on the importance of 'being.' Essentially, the purpose of life demands a growth in consciousness and personal awareness. Yet, too often we become fixated on the goal or on our perception of what needs to be fixed or changed. We direct our energies into changing something (or someone) rather than on changing ourselves. We measure the success of our lives by our external accomplishments rather than by who we have become through the course of a lifetime of experiences."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
"What we actually do with our lives may not be great importance unless it assists others in their own process of becoming.
...[Edgar] Cayce focused on what the soul had learned or become, not upon the individual's accomplishments in society."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records

"The most worthwhile life is spent discovering your spiritual core and building your existence on it."
- Antoinette Abernethy Lamoreaux
"The importance of helping others was frequently cited as the means to overcome one's problems and difficulties. From [Edgar] Cayce's perspective, there was always someone to whom an individual could be of service. In fact, being of service to that one individual was how a soul could perhaps best serve its Creator. After all, that was an essential purpose of one's life."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
"Perhaps one difficulty we face in our understanding is that we too often focus on 'doing' rather than on the importance of 'being.' Essentially, the purpose of life demands a growth in consciousness and personal awareness. Yet, too often we become fixated on the goal or on our perception of what needs to be fixed or changed. We direct our energies into changing something (or someone) rather than on changing ourselves. We measure the success of our lives by our external accomplishments rather than by who we have become through the course of a lifetime of experiences."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
"What we actually do with our lives may not be great importance unless it assists others in their own process of becoming.
...[Edgar] Cayce focused on what the soul had learned or become, not upon the individual's accomplishments in society."
- Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
"The most worthwhile life is spent discovering your spiritual core and building your existence on it."
- Deepak Chopra, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore
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