RE: A letter to friends, colleagues, and business contacts DATE: 15 February 2009 All, I just finished reading The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea for the second time and as I reflect on the "The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success" I felt compelled to share them for those of you who have not had a chance to read the book. I also implore you to take the time to read it sooner than later; and if you've read it before... read it again. As the book states, "These lessons don't apply only to business... A genuinely sound business principle will apply anywhere in life--in your friendships, in your marriage, anywhere . That's the true bottom line. Not whether it simply improves your financial balance sheet, but whether it improves your life's balance sheet." It is a quick read and well worth it... Without further ado, I present to you "The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success": 1. The Law of Value: Your true worth is d...