Fear: Worry Not

This made me laugh... a quote from Mark Twain: "I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened."

The vast majority of the things we worry about never come to pass.

According to a study by the University of Michigan (as related by John C. Maxwell in his article The 'Big 5' Challenges People Face, Success magazine September 2010 issue):

60% of our fears are totally unwarranted, meaning they never happen
20% of our fears are based in the past and out of our control
10% of our fears are so petty they can make no difference at all

And of the remaining 10%, only 4 to 5% are "real and justifiable fears."

Who determines the "real and justifiable" part, I wonder?

Bottom line: "Fear is a poor chisel with which to carve out tomorrow." (From The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews)
