Light Candles
The "darkness" could refer to many things: a failed relationship, turning off your alarm and getting up late for work, not meeting your sales quota last week etc. I once heard it said that some days the only victory you have wrought is the ability to stand on your own two feet. My friends it is a victory nonetheless! We must learn how to redefine our successes and step boldly into the face of opposition! For that is where we will find our success.
I learned a new word yesterday... temerity. I liked it the moment it hit my ears. Temerity refers to a conspicuous or flagrant boldness... as in, "He had the temerity to tell his CEO exactly what he thought of him." If you've seen the movie 300 you know the Spartans were imbued with temerity. According to Merriam Webster Online it is more specifically described as an "unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition." Well, sometimes you've got to get in there and mix things up to make things happen.
I think back to the first time I read Invictus by William Ernest Henley... I felt empowered, fully and eagerly willing to shirk off the darkness and laugh in the face of adversity for "Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head [was] bloody, but unbowed" and "...the menace of the years, [Found] and [still finds] me unafraid." Would you rather live with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret? Here's something else to ponder... either you discipline yourself or the world will gladly step up and take on that role.
Stop saying how "difficult" the attainment of success is. It is nothing more than opportunity disguised in a black cloak. Once you make that realization the light will break through and the gems of opportunity will be yours for the taking. Light candles my friends! And do not curse the darkness... for what follows the darkest of nights? Why, the brightest of days of course!
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