Life Lessons in the Everyday

Agent:  So I get Tweets from Andy but not from Gerald

Me:  Did u request to follow Gerald?

Agent:  Yes.  It said he would have 2 accept me.  Cpl weeks ago when we last discussed it.

Me:  Did u ask him to accept u?

Agent:  I didn't know I had 2 ask him.  I will.

Me:  Life gives u what u ask for... not what u think u deserve...

Me:  U don't A-S-K u don't G-E-T...

Agent:  I thought it notified him.

Me:  It probably does but he's a very busy man...

Me:  U give up too soon... if u want something don't stop until u get it...

Me:  It's not Gerald's responsiblity... It is up to YOU to fight for you...

The End.
