I've been creating! :) Now, my first one ever was the red ball above. It took me almost four hours to complete! I called it "The Beast." But, I'm happy to say that the blue and white balls only took me an hour and a half each. And that's because "A" I was getting better and "B" my husband helped cut the strands of paper to the length I needed and he crumpled them for me. The tutorial I read stated you need to make the strips about 24 inches long and you can crumple the paper to soften it. I DEFINITELY recommend crumpling. It gives the flowers a nice texture and makes them easier to wrap. The balls were made with 6" styrofoam balls (once the rosettes are applied they become 1 to 2 inches thicker), crepe paper (150 ft x 1.75 in), and glue sticks (hot glue gun). For the red and blue balls above I used one and a half rolls of crepe paper. The rosettes on the white ball were made thicker and tighter ...