Quiet Still Confidence
This past week Barry Clarkson, one of our founders, talked about the "quiet still confidence that repetition brings." It reminded me of my first month in the field. It was, as Mike Alleman put it, "an exercise in patient persistence" in search of that quiet still confidence...
It was August of 2008. I was an eager insurance agent, ready to make my millions in the service of others.
I can vividly recall the difficulties of my first foray into this new industry.
I was flush, sweaty, all smiles, and talkative. Way too talkative....
I wrote a whopping two applications that month... and one of those was on myself.
"Thank you for all of the information, Laura. You've given us quite a bit to think about," potential clients would tell me. They would then usher me out the door and never return my calls.
I remember thinking that I looked forward to the day when I would fulfill the image of a woman who had harnessed that "quite still confidence" that only repetition can bring. I knew it was only a matter of time. Even then, amidst sweaty, heart pounding, fidgety appointments, I knew it was only a matter of time before I could walk into a potential client's home and walk out with them as an actual client... an application and a check in hand.
I knew because I had been there before. I knew because I had already embraced the maxim: If I do not quit, I cannot fail. I knew because I had already lived this story in another industry and survived to tell the tale.
Too many quit before they have reached the victory of a record breaking sales week which was my prize only four short months later. My persistence allowed me the opportunity to earn the top sales record for the week that year... 17 applications, $9,021 in annualized premium... the week before Christmas. 13 of those 17 policies issued the following week and I had over $3,000 deposited into my bank account.
I knew the bitter sting of discouragement and I now knew the sweetness and the joy of a well fought victory.
Tell me what you think is impossible and I'll show you someone who is doing it.
Tell me what you think is impossible and I will show you the fruits of a "quite still confidence" that only repetition and discipline can bring.
Life is lived within the challenge.
Step boldly...be not afraid...
There is a victory at hand...
It was August of 2008. I was an eager insurance agent, ready to make my millions in the service of others.
I can vividly recall the difficulties of my first foray into this new industry.
I was flush, sweaty, all smiles, and talkative. Way too talkative....
I wrote a whopping two applications that month... and one of those was on myself.
"Thank you for all of the information, Laura. You've given us quite a bit to think about," potential clients would tell me. They would then usher me out the door and never return my calls.
I remember thinking that I looked forward to the day when I would fulfill the image of a woman who had harnessed that "quite still confidence" that only repetition can bring. I knew it was only a matter of time. Even then, amidst sweaty, heart pounding, fidgety appointments, I knew it was only a matter of time before I could walk into a potential client's home and walk out with them as an actual client... an application and a check in hand.
I knew because I had been there before. I knew because I had already embraced the maxim: If I do not quit, I cannot fail. I knew because I had already lived this story in another industry and survived to tell the tale.
Too many quit before they have reached the victory of a record breaking sales week which was my prize only four short months later. My persistence allowed me the opportunity to earn the top sales record for the week that year... 17 applications, $9,021 in annualized premium... the week before Christmas. 13 of those 17 policies issued the following week and I had over $3,000 deposited into my bank account.
I knew the bitter sting of discouragement and I now knew the sweetness and the joy of a well fought victory.
Tell me what you think is impossible and I'll show you someone who is doing it.
Tell me what you think is impossible and I will show you the fruits of a "quite still confidence" that only repetition and discipline can bring.
Life is lived within the challenge.
Step boldly...be not afraid...
There is a victory at hand...
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