Update on Me - The Road to Kona 2019 and More!

Hello All!

An update on me!

I just finished reading my 12th book of the year tonight--The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. I enjoyed the book and came across this wonderful Rumi quote:

"There's a voice that doesn't use words, listen."

Just stop and soak that in for a second... :)

My goal for the year was to read 12 new books... I'm a little ahead of schedule!

Andy Andrews' newest book is next!

Looking forward to it!

As far as an update on IRONMAN training... I just started my 5th month of training and I registered for my first ever triathlon this week!
I will be competing in the Deer Creek triathlon on Sunday, 11 June 2017.

It is part of the 26th Annual FIT Family Series!

I am nervous and excited!

I feel strong and confident... I know I have been putting in the hours of training and I have already trained for longer distances than I will have to complete at Deer Creek!

Deer Creek will be a Sprint Triathlon--a half mile swim, 12.4-mile bike, and 3.1-mile run...

Oh! My coach!

I have an awesome coach named Don Scarpero of DCS Endurance Coaching.

My coach is 72 and has been competing in triathlons for 26 years!

Such an inspiration!

All for now!
