Paper Tigers

There will be many times in your life that adversity stares you in the face, takes a step toward you, and pushes you to your knees.

Will you let it keep you down?

Will you suffer from the "quitter's disease" as Charlie "Tremendous" Jones calls it?

Bill Hybels, in his book Who You Are When No One's Looking: Choosing Consistency, Resisting Compromise, encourages us to break through those quitting points by enlightening us to the fact that those quitting points are "made of tissue, not brick." Per Hybels, "Every time you break through a quitting point, you prove to yourself that quitting points are not as solid as some people think they are."

Amelia Earhart put it yet another way. For her the quitting points, or the fears and difficulties of life that put our world at a standstill, are merely "paper tigers." According to Ms. Earhart: "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward." 

For when you conquer that mountain, you will be stronger for it.

Hybels expands on this topic when he states, "Endurance has grown stronger in your spirit. The next time, even if the mountain is higher, you will have more endurance to help you climb it."

So remember: When you've gone as far as you think you can go... take another step.

Your victory awaits!
