Mastering the Art of Meditation in Just 12 Minutes: My Personal Zen12 Review

Download your FREE Zen12 Level - Meditation... the benefits include enhanced brain power, massive improvements in health, and an increase in energy levels. Yet with so many profound benefits, the real question is: Why aren't more people doing it? Why Meditation Can Be Challenging The main challenge is that most people just don't make the time. That's right, I said "make" the time! We make time for what's important in our lives and with all of the mayhem and chaos of the day-to-day, the "noise" as an acquaintance once described it, we often put our own health and well-being on the back burner as we wait for "some day" to make its grand appearance! According to researchers, for best results meditation requires 45-60 minutes of daily practice. The results aren't always immediately visible either (similar to trying to flatten out that muffin top that sprang out of nowhere). They typically build up over ti...