
Showing posts from 2014

New Owl ACEOs!

Original Watercolor Owl ACEOs by Ceville Designs

Upcoming Show!

Post by Hope Art Center in Historic South Park .

A Customer Review

Hello All! I am still here! :) I have been studying copywriting, painting, teaching, creating! Busy, Busy! I read the following quote in a customer review for Dan Kennedy's "How to Create Personality in Copy" and I LOVED it so I had to share: "Being plain is like being a commodity and lowers your value. Developing a personality that people can love/hate/respect sets you light years ahead of your peer group and competitors." - Mike Crow, Millionaire Inspector Community Like Pharrell said on a recent episode of The Voice :   "We need more different people in the world. The same is lame." BE DIFFERENT! That is all! :)

A Letter to Chipotle, 30 June 2014

My husband read me the "Two-Minute PersonalityTest" by Jonathan Safran Foer at your restaurant yesterday.   It made us think, and laugh... :) This morning I was driving to work and saw an older gentleman in his pajamas on his hands and knees in his front yard.   I thought he might be looking for something and kept driving.   I thought about Jonathan's words, "What's the kindest thing you almost did?” And then I thought to myself, I just have to know. I turned around and drove back.     He was crawling toward his house.      I parked, got out of my car and said, "Sir, are you OK?" He told me he could not stand up.   I walked over to him and put my arms under his arms and lifted him up.   He said he just needed to get his feet under him (don't we all?). :) I stood him up and he said he was good.   I insisted that I help him get inside.   We walked back to the house slowly and I steadied him...

Above All Else, Persist

"Generally, if something is worth pursuing in life, the journey will be difficult.  That's why you should never underestimate the power of persistence. " - Dick Biggs One mentor announced on a conference call that it took him 14 years to feel like he was gaining any real traction in his business. An artist I follow stated, it took her 7 years of working in a chemical warehouse before she could become a full-time artist and follow her dream. Their personal success stories give me strength. So... I will persist. :) Make it a great week!

Take Action

I've been studying Wallace D. Wattles... Here are a few quotes to ponder from Mr. Wattles: "Put your whole mind into present action." "You cannot act where you are not; you cannot act where you have been, and you cannot act where you are going to be; you can act only where you are." "Do not wait for a change of environment, before you act; get a change of environment by action." Empowering words! Now apply them! Make it a great week!

Beautiful Girl...

Good Things Come to Those Who Believe ! I believe it!  And I hope you do too! Here is my first mixed media piece of 2014! She is quite mesmerizing... :) Available in my Etsy shop ! Make it a great week!

The Fox and the Daffodil for SALE on eBay!

"The Fox and the Daffodil" are currently up for bidding on eBay ! The auction ends tomorrow, 6 January 2014! Happy Bidding! (Click Here to Go to the Auction!)