We are infinitely more capable than we give ourselves credit for. Yet, our eyes are often set on worry and fear. It debilitates us, keeps us from moving forward. It cripples us and robs us of our true destinies. Per T. Harv Eker in an interview with Success magazine editor, Darren Hardy, "Your mind is nothing more than a survival mechanism; its job is not to make you happy; its job is not to make you successful; its job is to keep you alive." In short, we were designed to be cautious, fearful, and speculative. The beauty is: we do not need to remain that way! We must simply remember that life is centered on the power of choice. We have the choice to be better today, than we were yesterday. When I worry, one of my favorite passages to refocus and gain strength is the “Do Not Worry” passage in the Bible (Matthew 6:25-34). Here is an excerpt: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or dr...